1 minute read

Today I just wanted to drop you all a link to a nifty little tool I developed this past week. I am working with an educational organization to produce a learning project for students that teaches them to discover and engage people groups. In the process, I developed this quick checklist to get these students started with the discovery process. After creating it, I realized that it could be used by just about anyone (read local church, association, convention) that is starting the work.

The checklist provides three things: a quick reference guide to developing a Google form for data collection; sample questions that people can ask when doing people group discovery; an answer to the question, “Why are you in my business asking me these questions?”; and some quick pointers about engage strategy. The checklist is in Workflowy, my favorite interactive outlining tool, and can be accessed and manipulated by anyone.

All that said, here is the link below. You can also find it on my resources page. Take a look at it right quick and see if it is helpful for you, your church, or your agency. In fact, let me know what else you think needs to be broken down into checklist form. Perhaps I need to add more to this one.

