1 minute read

Have you ever tried to put yourself in the shoes of a refugee trying to flee their country? There is no way to truly understand the turmoil of being forced from your home and making a long journey to another country. But the BBC is trying to provide a little taste with this video, and it is too impressive not to share. It is designed to put the mobile experience of a refugee in your hands.

The video is for your phone. If you are reading this on a computer, get out your phone, navigate to this post, and click on the video from there.


[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1BLsySgsHM]


After you have watched the video, you can check out the whole story at the BBC here: Research report: Voices of Refugees.

Here is the purpose behind the piece:

“This study provides a snapshot of refugees’ experiences regarding communication and information at different points on their journey, based on interviews with 79 refugees and 45 humanitarian actors. Intended to inform humanitarian agencies responding to the refugee crisis in Europe, it examines the communication behaviours and priority information needs of refugees in three areas: on their journey, in “transit” camps in Greece, and in Germany.”
