Chiming in: “The Unreached at Home”
Ashley Scarbrough with e3 Partners has a good write up concerning international people group work here in the US. She wrote the piece back in March, but I just stumbled across it recently.
Ashley points out several different ways to find and interact with people groups here in the US and gives some practical steps for each.
She does well to point out the “as you are going” aspect of working with people groups here. This is the type of ministry that every, single member of a church can do simply by finding ways to connect and develop gospel-focused relationships with their new neighbors.
Her article does well to address the ways an individual can do this work. I would add that whole congregations should work together to build a strategy. Ultimately, this should be a local church-based effort made up of many individual members all interacting in various ways.
If you are in local church leadership, take a look at this and try to envision your church leading its congregation to do these things. If you are faithful church member with a heart for the nations, read it with an eye for working some of these steps in to your schedule.
Here is the full article: